Safe Church: Protection of Children Safe Church: Protection of Adults Safe Church: Resource Appendix

Pastoral Letter from the Rector to our Parish Family at St. Timothy’s

The Holy Scriptures speak of the Church as the Body of Christ and His bride. God calls His Church and all Her members to a life of holiness, service, and love of neighbor. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, calls us to be ministers of His gospel for a broken world. We are guided and empowered by the Holy Spirit to participate in God’s redemption of the whole of creation. As a community of faith, the Church stands for truth, justice, mercy, compassion, reconciliation, service, and sacrifice. The Church serves as a field hospital, where the broken may enter and encounter the love, grace, peace, and healing power of Christ’s redemption. This is central to our vocation. 

To this end, St. Timothy’s Anglican Church must be a safe place. Our responsibility to shepherd the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of each person is essential. In our broken world, the vulnerable are often exploited. Statistics demonstrate that approximately one in four girls and one in six boys suffer abuse in their lifetime. This means that it is highly likely that our congregations are made up of men and women who have either experienced abuse or know a survivor/victim of abuse. Unfortunately, this is true for every denomination. To be light in a dark world, the Church must be different. The Church must take action in order to equip leaders to safeguard those in its care.

Therefore, St. Timothy’s Anglican Church affirms the following:

Humanity is PART OF creation, yet UNIQUE

• God’s CREATION is a good gift

◦ IMAGE OF GOD: Every human being is created in the image of God and has inherent worth   and dignity.

Humanity is uniquely CALLED to stewardship/care in love

◦ STEWARD: The Church is called to steward God’s creation and His bride, the Church.

◦ RESPECT: This understanding of sexuality calls for equal respect for all men, women, and children as persons made in God's image, and for everyone's right to sexual and physical integrity.

Humanity is embodied and communal and has received the good gift of sex to be enjoyed within covenant

◦ SEX IS A GIFT: Sexuality is good, blessed, and purposeful; sexuality is understood to be a gift that is celebrated by sexual union within the bond of love found within the covenant of a man and a woman in marriage.

Humanity is Broken

◦ VULNERABLE: Children, adolescents, the infirmed, and elderly are particularly vulnerable to the tragic consequences of broken covenants and abusive treatment, and special care must be taken to protect their individual rights and personal integrity.

Church is About the Restoration of Humanity

◦ JUSTICE: All types of abuse (verbal, physical, neglect, and sexual misconduct) will be taken seriously by St. Timothy’s, and when required by law, will be reported to the appropriate local, state, and/or federal agency.

◦ PROTECTION: The protection of the vulnerable shall be of utmost concern.

◦ RESPONSIBILITY: The Church has always recognized that those chosen for ordained ministry bear a particular responsibility to pattern their lives according to Jesus' teaching. Bishops, priests, deacons, and lay leaders are called to be faithful examples of the Christian life. Any moral offense by clergy or laity entrusted with pastoral and educational ministries is especially hurtful because it betrays the trust committed to each by the Church to nurture and care for every member.

This manual outlines the policies required in our effort to prevent sexual misconduct and harassment by members of the clergy, lay employees, and those working in ministry with youth and children. This manual also prescribes the procedures required in response to an event of sexual misconduct or harassment and articulates the policies that aim to protect potential survivors/victims. It is necessary reading for all parish leaders, including, but not limited to, all affiliated clergy, vestry members, all parish employees, and all lead volunteers/teachers for children/youth. The manual is also recommended for comprehensive understanding of the issues involved with sexual misconduct and harassment and the ramifications of engagement therein.

As the Body of Christ, we are called to be children of light, uncovering what is done in the darkness, and to protect and care for the vulnerable in our midst. I am grateful for your ministry and commitment to this policy below.                                                                                 

The Rev. Stan Gerber

Safe Church: Protection of Children Safe Church: Protection of Adults Safe Church: Resource Appendix

Diocesan Hotline for reporting Child and Adult Abuse - 817-988-1941