
Acolytes and Vergers

A verger’s main duty is to ceremonially precede the priests as they move about performing their duties. At St. Timothy’s we have adult as well as student vergers. Student vergers are the most senior acolytes. The head verger also is the Acolyte Master.

Acolytes perform several duties during the worship service. They carry the torches (torchbearer), the crosses (crucifer), the Gospel book (Gospel server), and the thurible (thurifer) and help the priest prepare the altar for communion (Epistle server). Their vestments consist of a white alb with a white or colored rope (girdle) tied around their waists. The Gospel and Epistle servers wear colored scapulars over their albs.

Acolytes have to be at least 9 years old and can serve until they graduate high school. Vergers do not have to have previous acolyte experience. They will be trained in all aspects of both acolyte and verger duties.

If you are interested in becoming an Acolyte or Verger please contact the Church Office (281) 255-4111. 

Lectors and Lay
Eucharistic Ministers

The Lectors and the Lay Eucharistic Ministers serve in the church by being a part of the worship service. The Lectors read the Old Testament lesson appointed for the day. They receive the lesson in advance so that they are able to study it as well as practice reading it. This is a vital part of the service but has a minimal time commitment for preparation. 

The Lay Eucharistic Ministers or LEMs are the chalice bearers during communion. As Lay Reader they read the Psalm (when it is not sung by the choir) and the New Testament lesson. They also receive the lesson in advance in order to be well prepared. As a part of the procession at the beginning and end of the service they sometimes carry torches or the cross. The bells you hear during the service are rung by a LEM. Their vestments consist of a black cassock and white surplice.

If you are interested in becoming a Lector or Lay Eucharistic Minister please contact the church office (281) 255-4111